

The First Church Together

The Spirit records for us how the first church that met in Jerusalem interacted with each other on a regular basis. Acts Acts 2:42 we read that they devoted themselves to the aposltes doctrine, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. If we want everyone to view the church as the gift God intended it to be, we need to be committed to these same areas of focus.

We must realize that no one but God can direct our lives in the way they out to go. And seeing how through time He has revealed Himself more fully to particular men, we must determine who those men are and adhere to their words. Men like Moses, Isaiah, and the apostles. When we unite in the understanding that we must listen to the words of the apostles and not the words of philosophers or politicians or even any particular preacher we can begin to really get somewhere.

Secondly, they were devoted to fellowship. This indicates that having the right teaching is not enough. The teaching points beyond itself and we must use the teaching properly. It was not meant to provide a path to spiritual nirvana and it was not meant to provide a list of rules to follow. God's truth through these chosen men gives us access to real fellowship with God and with other men.

Fellowship with God is maintained through prayer. Communication and relationship with the God of all the universe and the perfect Father is the treasure of all treasures. God's people are filled with the Spirit of God by whom they cry out, "Abba, Father," and cast their burdens on Him, and find grace in time of need (Rom 8:15, 1 Pet 5:7, Heb 4:16).

The breaking of bread is where we develop our bond with each other. We eat the Lord's Supper together and we share daily meals together. Participation in these meals, we celebrate the goodness of God, the ability to enjoy His goodness, and the blessing of having others to celebrate it with. We don't divide over differences; we keep fellowship with each other (and work through our differences) to help us maintain our fellowship with God and become useful in His hands.