Did You Know…

Did You Know…

This page is a random collection of interesting and important Bible facts.


  • Did you know that the Bible is actually not just one book, but a library of sixty six books?  If you will look at the table of contents in your Bible you will see that there are thirty nine books in the Old Testament and twenty seven in the New Testament, making a total of sixty six. There were some forty different authors involved in the writing of the Bible. They wrote in three different languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek). These writers lived in different places over a time span of 1,500 years and yet every book of the Bible is in perfect harmony with every other book of the Bible. This is powerful evidence that the Bible, though written by men, was inspired by the Spirit of God.


  • Did you know that the most reliable description of Jesus Christ is found in the Bible? Yet for some reason, a lot of people would rather listen to a modern scholar tells us what he thinks about Jesus,  rather than read for themselves what the people who knew Jesus have written. Why not read the original sources for yourself. The best way to learn about Jesus is to read the testimony of those who actually knew Him. Take for instance, the apostle John who was Jesus best friend. John lived with Jesus, heard Him, touched Him, leaned back on Him at the last supper and worshiped Him after he rose again. You can read His biography of the Christ in a little over an hour. It is the fourth book of the New Testament entitled, “The Gospel According To John.”


  • Did you know that the Bible predicted, in detail, the life of Jesus, centuries before His birth? Even though most of the Bible was written centuries before Jesus was born, the entire Bible points to Him. Very early in the pages of Genesis (the first book of the Bible) when sin and death came into the world a promise was made that someone born of a woman, would deliver the world from the curse of sin and death (Gen 3:15). From that point forward the hope of a redeemer who would reconcile mankind to God and defeat the powers of darkness was a major theme in the scriptures. They foretold the place of his birth (Micah 5:2) that he would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14). That he would suffer and die for our sins (Psalm 22:1-18; Isa 53:4-12). Countless other prophecies and foreshadowings fill the pages of the Old Testament. This is a powerful evidence that the Bible is inspired by God, who alone knows the future.


  • Did you know that of the founders of the four main world religions, only Jesus claimed to be God?  Buddha was not a god and never claimed to be a god, and did not call himself a god.  He simply taught people his philosophy of enlightenment. Moses, the founder of Judaism did not claim to be a divine person. He received revelation from God and delivered it to Israel, but he never claimed nor has he ever been worshiped by Jews as God. Mohamed did not claim divinity. He was an ordinary man who claimed to have been invited up to Heaven for a brief time to received revelation. Jesus alone claimed to be from Heaven (John 8:23). Though He lived his human life in full submission to His Heavenly Father, He claimed to be equal in honor to the Father (John 5:23). He claimed to have an eternal existence (John 8:58). Jesus was God who added to His divine nature, human nature so that He might come into our world and redeem us from the power of sin and the curse of death. He is now seated at the Father’s right hand where he mediates between God and man which He alone is able to do since He possesses both Divine and Human natures (Heb.1:1-3; 4:14-16).


  • Did you know that the word Baptism is transliterated from the Greek word Baptisma which means the processes of immersion, submersion and emergence? In the New Testament the word is most commonly used to describe the ritual of immersing, in water, a person who has professed faith in Jesus Christ and wishes to identify himself with Christ. It is described in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome as a burial into the death and resurrection of Jesus (Rom 6:3,4). The practice of sprinkling or pouring water on a person did not come into play till centuries later.


  • Did you know that The Antichrist is not a future political figure that will appear at the end of the world, but a false religious teacher that lived back in the first century AD? Only the apostle John uses the expression antichrist in the Bible. It does not refer to a bogeyman who will come at some future time. In the twentieth century some religious teachers tried to identify notorious bad guys as the anticrhist including: Hitler, Gorbachev, Saddam Hussain, etc. Obviously none of these men were and it is important to understand that he is not the next bad guy who will pop up in the future. John says there are many antichrists and that they were present at the time he wrote the book of 1John.  The word is found only four times: 1 Jn 2:18, 1 Jn 2:22, 1 Jn 4:3, 2 Jn 7. From these passages it is clear that the essence of the antichrist spirit is to deny that Jesus was the Christ or to deny that the Jesus was God in the flesh.  Anyone who denied this in John’s day was called an antichrist. The lesson for us is to not be led astray by those who would deny that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.


  • Did you know that denominationalism was not taught in the Bible? Jesus prayed that all of His disciples would be united as one (John 17:20-21). When the church in the city of Corinth was splintering into factions, the Apostle Paul sought to correct this by urging them not to divide (1Cor 1:10). Instead he urged them to make love their priority and to strive to be of the same mind (2Cor 13:11). Instead of splintering and dividing, every Christian should love every other Christian and work together toward and understanding of the faith that would allow them to stand as one man in Jesus Christ (Eph 4:15). All Christians should work and pray for the day when sectarianism and denominationalism will be forgotten.